Wednesday 6 February 2013

The Gift

Every Friday morning a few of us get together to paint, draw, chat and doodle.  All week long we rush around, taxi children, do chores, but come Friday it is our time, it is the start of our week-end.  For those few hours we create and recharge our batteries.  No critics are allowed, no negative talk and no self-sabotage!  What we all marvel at is the fact that although sometimes one of us might not feel in the mood, or might feel tired or depressed, by the end of our session, we all feel energized and on top of the world.  In fact, we find it extremely difficult to stop what we are doing, the creative sluices are wide open.
Being creative is one of the best forms of therapy, it brings healing and peace beyond our understanding.  I think the reason for that is that through the creative process we draw closer to God's heart, because He is the great Creator, our creativity is not from ourselves, but from the Lord.  He bestows the gift of creativity on each and everyone of his children, with no favouritism, but somehow we allow the world and its critics to steal that gift away from us.  We fall for the lies we are being told by the world - you are not talented enough, you are not creative, your talent is of little use, etc etc. 
It is amazing to watch little children drawing, painting or doing anything creative.  They do it with such absolute conviction and confidence.  Not for a second do they question that blob of red paint they've put on the paper, it IS a dog, a cat, a cow.  Of course the sky is green, the river purple and a giraffe has three legs.  They do not doubt their artistic ability or criticise their own efforts, and they are equally enthusiastic about their playmates' artwork.  Unfortunately, too soon the words and ideas of the world creep in and plant the ugly seeds of criticism and self-doubt, and that flamboyant young artist becomes an adult that 'cannot even draw a stick figure'!
Pablo Picasso said that all children are artists, the problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.  It is definitely time for everyone to close the doors to the opinion of the world and reconnect with that artist hiding inside.  Life is a canvas - so come on, throw all the paint you have at it!!!  Do it today!
Have a look at Friday's page, it's a great way to entice that artist out of his/her hiding place.

If you flutter by here, please feel free to leave a comment, or to share your thoughts on creativity with us.  Just click on the words "no comment" or "1 Comment" and follow the prompts.  I would LOVE to hear from you.


  1. I love the idea of a regular meeting time with other women to pursue creative POSITIVE things...good for you!

    1. Yes it is absolutely wonderful and inspiring. I've just heard from a friend of mine who has now also started a craft group in her community. I am very excited for her. Thank you so much for posting a comment.

  2. I love your post, and thank you for taking the time to contact me. Sorcha's Butterfly is truly beautiful and makes me smile each time I see expression of her happiness and vibrant personality. I totally agree that each one of us is an artist. We are all highly creative beings, unfortunately most adults don't believe this and shy away from using their inner creativity. Art allows us to express our inner most feelings - this is both healing and nurturing to our spirit and to our whole being.

    Thank you so much for sharing such a lovely and inspiring post.....wishing you all a beautiful and CREATIVE week ahead.

    Love and peace Marghanita xxx

    1. Thank you so much, Marghanita, and I wish you all the best with your inspiring art classes! I love what you are doing! Thank you for stopping by my blog.
