Wednesday 21 August 2013


Speaking to a friend of mine recently who was going through a difficult time, I asked her if she has prayed about it yet.  She looked at me for a few momemts, then answered that no, she did not, as she felt that she got herself into the mess and could not possibly ask God for anything.
I thought about this statement of hers and realized that was exactly how we often think about God.  We limit our expectations of him to our own ideas of what we think of Him.  However, our perception is most often flawed.
God's promises us that He will never forsake us or leave us.  His love and care for us does not depend on our good deeds.  He is not impressed by our good behaviour or how smart or responsible we are.  He does not categorise us into categories of "worthy" or "unworth".  He asks only that we have faith in Him and that we call on his Name.  He wants us to believe in Him and trust in his promises.  Nothing can seperate us from the love He has for us.
We might impress other people with our abilities and achievements, we might be shunned by people because of our past or our background, but God pays no attention to such things, he knows our hearts, he understands our plight, and He wants to reach his loving hand out to us.  All we have to do is to reach out and take it.  Have faith, trust in Him.

I you flutter by here, please feel free to share your thoughts with me,

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