Wednesday 22 January 2020

A Taste of Hygge

We have been blessed with wonderful rain.  The sound of rain on the roof and the scent of it wafting in through the kitchen window always makes me think of warm, sweet cinnamon pancakes.  In fact anything baking and filling the house with its delicious, warm aroma does the trick.  It is the smell of hygge.  That feeling of contentment associated with childhood memories.  This week I want you to fill your home with the comforting smells of precious memories.  Bake something which reminds you of home.  Fill every corner of your house with its warm scent.  Dish it up in pretty china and linger over it with a warm cup of coffee and treasure a moment of bliss.  Let the it take you back to times of long ago. Absorb every second of this one perfect pause in time and allow calm and contentment to be your companions.  Relax and enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Hygge is a Danish word and is pronounced as "hue-gah". There is no direct translation in English but it basically means to feel snug and comfortable through simplicity.
