Thursday 20 December 2012

ABC of Living

Cleaning out my daughter's room in order to make way for the new double bed for the newly weds I came across a notebook of hers in which she wrote "Mommy's ABC of Principles to Live By" and I thought I'll share them here with you.
A - Always Smile
B - Be kind and mild
C - Count your blessings
D - Depend on the Lord
E - Enjoy Life!
F - Friendliness spreads sunshine
G - Give with gladness
H - Have a Happy Heart, and an honest one
I - In everything rejoice; value integrity
J - Join hands with the needy
K - Keep your faith strong
L - Let your light shine; be loyal
M - Make eye-contact and smile
N- Now is the best time to do!
O - Openly praise the Lord
P - Positive attitudes brightens any day
R - Remember every good, special time
S - Stay humble
T - Trust the Lord
U - Unity of the family is a treasure
V - Vows are sacred
W - Willingness creates an open mind.
X - Go the eXtra mile
Y - Your yes, YES, your no, NO
Z - Zest, put it in everything you do

Looking at my two daughters ten years down the line I can see how they are implementing these things in their lives and I am so proud of them!

If you flutter by here, feel free to share your ABC of living with us, I would love to hear from you.  To comment just click on the words "no comment" or "1 comment" and follow the prompts.

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