Friday 5 June 2015

Just Breathe...

At this moment in our lives, my husband and I have a few decisions, a few choices,  that have to be made.  There is no escaping them.  To me they feel absolutely overwhelming.  It is like a mountain ahead of me.  Whichever decision we make will have a major impact on our lives.  Even not making a decision will have a serious effect on our future.  What to do?
It makes me think of Peter, the disciple of Jesus.  There he was in the boat.  Then he saw Jesus walking on the water.  Now I ask myself - why on earth did he want to get out of the boat?  I read that there was a strong wind and they were battling to row the boat.  The disciples felt anxious, scared that the man coming towards them on the water might be a ghost.  I like to think that Peter got out of the boat, not only to have proof that it was indeed the Lord, but also to be close to him, knowing that with the Lord he would be safe from the storm.  Peter is brave, he takes the first step, he gets out of the boat.  I doubt if I would have been so brave.  Amazingly, Peter walks on the water!  However, soon Peter takes his eyes off the Lord and focuses on the wind instead, and he becomes afraid.  Peter starts to doubt.
It sounds so familiar.  Often I am just like Peter.  I trust the Lord and I know that I am safe with him, yet when I have to step out of the boat I am hesitant.  I am afraid.  That first step out of the boat is so difficult, yet it is that step that takes us from relying on ourselves and our own abilities to putting our faith in the Lord.  We have to leave the boat behind to experience new possibilities, however, we can only do this if we keep our eyes focused on the Lord.  Despite the wind blowing we must keep our eyes on Jesus one step at a time.
My husband makes it look so easy.  He prays about it, waits for the word of the Lord and then has peace with that decision.  I agonize over it, reason about it this way and that, try to find a different way, make plans, just to change my mind again and again.  In the mean time my husband just sits back, and relaxes, just knowing, believing in the word of the Lord.  He is happily at peace.
Then last week I found this quote:
Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess.  Just breathe.  And have faith that everything will work out for the best. - Unknown
So every time I felt that I was getting anxious, I would recite this to myself and breathe.  I left it with the Lord, and low and behold, yesterday the Lord revealed to us, that the decision we have made was indeed blessed by Him.  I feel humbled by his infinite wisdom.  All praise indeed goes to the Lord.

Don't be afraid.  Step out onto the water and breathe...

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