Thursday 25 October 2012

This Day.....

Now this day, too, is past.  This day that no-one thought would come so soon.  Way too soon, for someone like you, we think with our flawed human minds.  The church were full of everyone you've touched, in whatever small way, to escort you on your final journey, the fragrance of roses filled the air.
I picked this delicate bouquet of lavender up off the floor where it fell, I think it came from your garden, and I thanked the Lord that we briefly rubbed shoulders, and that I could also experience the glow of sunshine you seemed to carry around with you.  I see the legacy you have left behind on the faces all around me.  I take the words of the minister with me - age is not a requirement for living life to its fullest.  You were still young, but you knew the secret of living every moment to its fullest, your life was a declaration of God's glory, love and mercy.
You lived your life like a butterfly, spreading beauty and good seeds everywhere, not hemmed in by any borders.  Now your soul soars where we can only dream of for now.  I will remember your warm smile, your giving heart, the way you lived your faith with daily actions and I'll remember that roses are for the living.
Do not let this day pass without telling the people you care about that you love them and appreciate them, without giving them a rose, whether naturally or spiritually.

If you flutter by here and would like to give a rose of gratitude to someone in your life, please feel free to post your thoughts here. 
Just click on the words "no comments" or "1 comment " and follow the link.  I would love to hear from you.

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