Wednesday 29 May 2019

Asking is Free

Most of us are proud and prefer to be totally independent.  In fact, we raise our children to be independent and to be able to stand on their own feet.  Most of us believe that asking for assistance is a sign of weakness.  We fear people will think that we are inept, stupid or not in control of our lives.  We would rather struggle with something than seem incapable or ignorant.  However, our pride can be counter-productive and even sabotage ourselves in the process.
The truth is that it is not the weak who ask for help, but those individuals who are confident, realistic and secure in the knowledge of their own abilities.  They realize that it is not a reflection on themselves that they do not know everything or cannot do everything, but they understand that we need other people, and we in turn can again assist somebody else.
Yes, you MAY ask for help or for a favour.  It is okay not to know everything.  By asking for assistance we also give other people the chance to be of help, and to live out our God given calling to love/assist our neighbour.

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