Tuesday 21 May 2019

You May...(1)

Good morning!  So great to see you here!  Today is the first day of the last ten days of May.  Today I want to tell you that you MAY be...SILLY!

Do you remember how you, as a child, would just for the slightest reason burst out laughing?  Do you remember those times when you would be so filled with an abundance of energy and would twirl around, arms stretched out in a crazy butterfly dance?  I still remember how my friends and I would battle stifling our giggles in the back of the auditorium.  What it was that set us off, I can't recall, but I do remember collapsing outside on the lawn.  A pile of laughing teenagers.
And then we grew up, we entered the world of adults where laughter, pranks and silliness were frowned upon.  We became control freaks and we put on the masks of seriousness which was soon permanently melded to our faces.  We have forgotten how to just be ourselves and in the process we have lost our birthright of happiness.  Being yourself is the origin of happiness, and with happiness comes silliness and unbridled laughter.  Laughter of course is the best medicine, it is good for our hearts and minds.
So, today claim your right, you MAY be silly!  Laugh at yourself, write silly jokes and leave them all over the office for your colleagues to find, say hello to random strangers and wish them a happy day.  Wear that crazy tie your five year old painted for you, put flowers in your hair or wear that outrages coat you bought at the jumble sale.  Host a party for your six year old self or invite friends over for a games night, instigate the silliness in them too.  Being silly is a great antidote for stress and the bonus part is that it costs nothing.  What a bargain.  Go on, don't act your age, and infuse today with a bit of silliness!  have FUN!

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