Saturday 28 March 2020

Lock-Down, Day 2 - Thank You

Day 2 of Lock-Down.
I woke up this morning with such an intense feeling of gratitude.  Another day to live, breathe and love.  The early morning air was cool with a definite nip of Autumn.  Yes, the virus has not disappeared, the reality is still making every one uneasy, filling our minds with dread, but we are alive today.  Today I am healthy, my loved ones and my friends are healthy and I thank the Lord for this gift.
My husband and I made a delicious breakfast for our children and ourselves, creatively making use of left-overs.  I did the usual chores of cleaning and washing and I contacted some of the older members of our church just to make sure that they were doing okay.  All along I was filled with gratitude.  Life is fragile and precious, we have to treasure it, live it.  We dare not sit and wait for anything to pass, we must use the time we have today.
Sit outside, or on your steps, or hang your feet out of the window.  Watch the clouds move along on the wind and savour a cup of coffee.  Taste it, smell it and feel it fill your mouth with its warmth.  Be aware of every beautiful moment.  Look!  See!
And tonight, before you fall asleep thank the Lord for the gift of today.  Don't ask for anything, just say 'Thank You'.

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