Wednesday 30 January 2013

On Gossamer Wings

"...once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return...."
-Leonardo Da Vinci

I am a dreamer.  I often catch myself watching the butterflies in summer, flying effortlessly wherever they will, and as I watch they steal my thoughts and take my imagination along on their flight.  My family will often find me like that and with a jolt I will return to the here and now.  More often than not this was the very thing which got me into trouble at school.  Physically I was in the classroom, but my thoughts were miles away soaring on gossamer wings.....
Dreams are beautiful, wonderful, and despite what some people believe, very necessary.  Many extraordinary things have been discovered and invented by dreamers.  However, dreams are like Faith.  Faith is a glorious word, and by itself it is wonderful.  Faith is a gift, but Faith truly begins to mean something when we actively start doing what we confess to believe.  The same with dreams, they only begin to mean something when we start following our dreams. 
Yet, very few of us really, truly have the courage to follow our dreams.  Most of us can't even say our dreams out loud, some amongst us might get as far as writing them down, but only a small percentage will actually grab hold of them and make them real.  Why would that be?  Fear.  A little four letter word.  It should be classified as a swear word it is that ugly a word.  Fear of failure.  Fear that we will be ridiculed.  Fear that others, who are equally afraid to follow their dreams, will point and laugh.  Fear that we may actually succeed and have to face up to the responsibility.
Whatever the reason for our fears, they are dream-stealers.  They condemn us to a flightless life.  They leave behind the bitter taste of "if only".  The best antidote for fear is Faith.  Faith in God, who is the giver of dreams, but also faith in yourself.  If you can dream it, you CAN do it.  It does not matter what the world says about your dreams, what THEIR expectations are of you or your dreams.  It has nothing to do with the world, it has everything to do with you!
Yes, I am a dreamer, and for many years my own fears have kept my dreams in check, but today, right now I AM living my dream, and having the greatest fun while doing it.  It does not matter any longer what the world is saying or even whether the world is taking notice of me and my dreams.  I am soaring on gossamer wings and calling to you to follow me..... 

If you flutter by here, please feel free to share your dreams with me, I would love to dream them with you and encourage you along your way.  Just click on the words "no comment" or "1 comment" and follow the prompts.


  1. I think its so important to remind ourselves of our dreams, if we keep them tucked away for fear that others would ridicule them we need to bring them out every now and again and look at them, imagine and take that step. For many I think it is change that makes them fearful, what if I did sell that piece of work or be accepted for that magazine submission, how would I cope with it, rather choosing to stay with what you've always known you allow fear to whisper to you that it really isn't the right time to try...fear of sucess and achieving dreams stops so many. Holding on to Gods word and just going for it is key. Hope your having a blessed weekend

    1. Thank you, Amanda, for dropping by and commenting, I really appreciate it so much. You are absolutely right, fear of success id often just as powerful as fear of failure, because of the change it would entail. How blessed we are to be able to cast our fears aside because we can know that the Lord is with us through it all.

  2. No truer words. Charri!! I have told myself this throughout my life...FAITH over FEAR. This past year I am so grateful for my truly DID help me overcome my fears.

    Forgive me for not getting here often. I am really workin on that!!!! Life has been hectic but I sure do miss my blogging and art friends. February will be a better month for me on the net:)

    Have a wonderful day!!!!!


    1. I understand that you are very busy, Leslie, and I am so grateful that you take the time to drop by and comment. What a wonderful motto "Faith above Fear", it should be everyone's mantra! May you have a wonderful February,

  3. A number of years ago I was wallowing in a woe-is-me sort of place, regretting all the things I didn't get to do in life (besides raising 7 wonderful kids, of course!). I saw an idea in a scrapbooking magazine and made a "Dream Book" for myself. It is filled with decorated 2 page spreads, waiting for me to do these things, then put photos on the pages. Nowadays it seems like everyone has a "bucket list" but I like thumbing through my dream book better (much more artsy, if nothing else!). It is amazing to me how powerful it has been to have things written down---it's not just that I think about these things more often, but my family also takes my dreams much more seriously!

    1. J2W thank you so much for dropping by my blog and commenting, I really appreciate it! What a wonderful idea to create a dream book. I would love to see it!! Please visit my FB page to befriend me and you are welcome to share it with me there
      May all your dreams come true,
