Sunday 7 January 2018

Restore...Renew Week 1, Day 7 : Give Thanks

I am sure most of you reading this post are familiar with the Sunday-school song "Count your blessings, count them one by one".  Today's new habit or idea is about keeping a gratitude journal.  I want you to make a list of all the things you are grateful for today or this week.  It does not have to be a long list, just five things you are grateful for and why these things have made you happy.  
Writing down a few things at the end of the day for which we are grateful comes with an important benefit -happiness.  It takes the focus off the things or events which have made us unhappy and help us to remember those things which have made us happy or feeling less stressed.  Gratitude lifts our spirits and in turn we are feeling more positive, as well as more benevolent towards other people.  Gratitude makes us more optimistic and less self-centered.   Taking stock of what you are grateful for improves our vision for the future and it builds our self-esteem.  So go ahead, write down the things you are feeling grateful for.  It does not have to be anything major.  It can be something simple such as a walk at twilight.  
I am grateful for each of you visiting my blog or leaving messages.  Be blessed.

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